Originally Posted by Rain View Post
You need experience, It's not that hosting a event is hard its that you guys make it hard.

Having experienced people host games is ideal since they know what to do in most situations, So logically we rather have people host event's that applied for ET then people who didn't.

I'm sure most of you think everything is done very easy, But honestly it's not there is a reason why there is some sort of training for it.

P.S i'm sure charm can host a event but it's no reason to remove a rule just for her.

Another thing is that being an ET or a GM is two completely different things, I'd hire someone specific for ET and another specific for GM because they're two different people, good at two different things. Many past GM's who's been hosting events and failed miserably just didn't connect with the players the same way the ET's do (that you know got that kind of reputation with the players), not all GM's are as patient as the ET's when it comes to hosting events or care as much about the rules and that's something that you'll find out if the ET's is or isn't during their trial.