Originally Posted by Jetman View Post
Do you have anything you can show that would indicate great strides in programming skill improvements? From what i remember of your run mode, it was heavily client sided, with a ton of global variables being unnecessarily used. I'd like to see something new before deciding yes or no.
Wow, that just couldn't be true. Hopefully I had the teamrun project uploaded on my mediafire account and I've sent to you as a PM here on forums, you can re-view it if you would like to. I just saw that the system is all on pre-processors which means I never had fgunz source and if I asked for it I don't remember and can't think of any reason to it, but I apologize if I did so. I'll be online later on today (gotta do some stuff during the day), when I come back I'll load some models from UE4 into gunz and I'll post it here.