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  1. #21
    Stuwadie's Avatar I Am Half Retarded

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    Apr 2014
    Originally Posted by Belzac View Post
    Linzor all I do is come on here and get flamed by those three. If they are in the chat and I say a word, they all immediately shit talk me and any staff sitting in the chat box watches. It's not even just me, they're disgusting, horrid people that are corrupting the community slowly because they believe that it's alright to treat people like vermin. They think they're extra justified in " provoking " people like stuwadie said in his comment and deleted. The fact of the matter is, you guys don't see a good amount of the absolute caustic pus that they dump all over this community. I will admit it was wrong of me to say that they never get banned, but I have never seen them get banned, and even if they were banned obviously it has done literally nothing to fix the actual issue, which is all of them being flamers.
    You wont get banned directly you will get muted and infracted or just muted and warned

    The system automatically bans u if u have 10 infraction points u can get those infractions by trolling threads , by flaming players etc but if u have read my other post when i say somthing that isnt very offensive like , spaghetti arms , frogger , small arms kid , and u respond with stfu or flame back with other curse words we most likely flame back , if both parties are flaming eachother nobody gets anything because its just an online verbally fight in the chatbox

    Its sad that u have to say that staff members protecting us its not true they know who i am and i know them BUT i have a serious side afterall the other things i do is just a troll they know i can be serious

    And i got infracted multiple times , muted , banned 1 time for posting porn

    Yeah.... we get protected

    ANYWAYS we are still talking about this accusing staff members etc which is really off topic from the debate i would appreciate it belzac if u dont bring this up again and we all just move on instead bitching at eachother on and on wich is useless in a thread

    Regards , Stuwadie
    Last edited by Stuwadie; 07-24-2016 at 01:09 PM.

  2. The following 2 users say thank you to Stuwadie for this useful post:

    Fourth (07-24-2016), Linzor (07-24-2016)

  3. #22
    Leon (GOD) < Dave

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    Jun 2015
    Gunz wont die. The way I see it, it can run up to 10 more years. This game already survived 11 years, who knows?

    Also, why u special mention my *****s traumatiser, stuwadie and sunfire? U lookin to get phlexed on? smh

    NagrShiv, Strain, Jonathan pls, Stuwadie, SunFire, Taint, Surfen, Damp-EZ, Mura, Marcelo, PETER
    Occulus, Tzunami Best0, Shino, Ricky, Linzor, Yohan, Again, Traumatis3r, MIDGET, Sonji, Michi

    Bitch you ain't allowed to FLEX. #ShireEmpire, #NOFLEXZONE #Shirenation


  4. The following user said thank you to Fourth for this useful post:

    Stuwadie (07-25-2016)

  5. #23
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Aug 2013
    I honestly hate to be the buzzkiller in this thread, but I say just release v8, patch any bugs found after that, then just let GunZ die from there. I don't see how people are saying this game is going to go on another decade lol. I give this game at most another 1-2 years. Attracting a whole new base of players like people are imagining isn't going to happen. It takes several months invested of practice for a brand new person to be somewhat skilled at this game. Most people just want to jump right into a new game and play, not wait half of a year before they can at least keep up with the pace. It would be a waste of effort on the devs' part to take all this time thinking of unique, crazy updates, just for all of these people to lose interest in the game right after. Sure the updates may appeal to all of us experienced players, but how much longer is GunZ honestly going to appeal to us ? I don't see it being very much longer, especially since most players are getting older and not finding time for it/losing interest after playing constantly for so many years.

    I say instead of trying to keep supporting a game that's over a decade old that many are losing interest in after playing for so long, why not think of a different game for the server to host before it becomes too late and our GunZ player count drops to like 20 players at max peak? Maybe even host multiple games or something to attract different crowds. The end of GunZ doesn't mean the end of our community. Everyone will still be here for the most part lol. There would just need to be a game that the majority votes on and agrees to have our staff host. A newer game that will have a long lifespan to it. Not an old, nostalgic game that people want to revive and relive the experiences of.

    But I definitely don't think it's worth it to put a crazy amount of investment into GunZ right now. Just let GunZ die. Everything is meant to die at some point. I think once you hit the decade mark, that's pretty much good enough for a game. I do like your ideas, btw. I'm not hating on them or anything, I just personally don't think it's worth it to invest the time into that. I think it'd be better to have a new game as a back up idea to be prepared for before it's too late.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  6. #24
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    Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    I say just release v8, patch any bugs found after that, then just let GunZ die from there.
    This is reasonable enough. There's not really a point in two more big content updates. If one big package update doesn't bring you back/in, two won't. GunZ really just has a lot of holes that can be filled imo, and I think they should be filled before we give it up.
    I'd be fine giving it up if there was a replacement for gladiator, but there's really nothing even remotely close.

  7. #25
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

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    Aug 2008
    Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    I honestly hate to be the buzzkiller in this thread, but I say just release v8, patch any bugs found after that, then just let GunZ die from there. I don't see how people are saying this game is going to go on another decade lol. I give this game at most another 1-2 years. Attracting a whole new base of players like people are imagining isn't going to happen. It takes several months invested of practice for a brand new person to be somewhat skilled at this game. Most people just want to jump right into a new game and play, not wait half of a year before they can at least keep up with the pace. It would be a waste of effort on the devs' part to take all this time thinking of unique, crazy updates, just for all of these people to lose interest in the game right after. Sure the updates may appeal to all of us experienced players, but how much longer is GunZ honestly going to appeal to us ? I don't see it being very much longer, especially since most players are getting older and not finding time for it/losing interest after playing constantly for so many years.

    I say instead of trying to keep supporting a game that's over a decade old that many are losing interest in after playing for so long, why not think of a different game for the server to host before it becomes too late and our GunZ player count drops to like 20 players at max peak? Maybe even host multiple games or something to attract different crowds. The end of GunZ doesn't mean the end of our community. Everyone will still be here for the most part lol. There would just need to be a game that the majority votes on and agrees to have our staff host. A newer game that will have a long lifespan to it. Not an old, nostalgic game that people want to revive and relive the experiences of.

    But I definitely don't think it's worth it to put a crazy amount of investment into GunZ right now. Just let GunZ die. Everything is meant to die at some point. I think once you hit the decade mark, that's pretty much good enough for a game. I do like your ideas, btw. I'm not hating on them or anything, I just personally don't think it's worth it to invest the time into that. I think it'd be better to have a new game as a back up idea to be prepared for before it's too late.
    We have some plans for after V8.
    We want to focus on V8 first before we do anything else.
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

  8. #26

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    Mar 2016
    Hi. I'm currently in the process of rewriting the majority of the game based off Maiet's 1.5 release. So far I've rewritten how configuration is handled(XML is no more) and I'm moving more and more logic to the server side of things. Which means less openings for pesky memory-edits and more performance on the client-side.
    Rewriting the rendering engine is certainly an interesting project. Especially with all the hype around Vulkan. I'd definitely be willing to work on that with someone.
    Keep in mind none of these things I'm talking about have been put to the test of actual use. And even then, when I release them, it's up to server owners to actually implement them.
    GunZ is at an interesting spot in its' life currently. Out of the few developers that are left, I can only name two that know what they're doing, and one that has ambition for the game. I'm new to GunZ development, but not new to C++. I'm keen to do what I can to try and contribute to the game that's given me so many fun and memorable weekends. Expect a development progress thread from me sometime soon. And thanks for making a thread like this, it's really cool to see people putting more thought into bettering an old game. For the most part suggestions seem to be along the lines of "shotgun spread lowr plz" or my personal favorite: "cw maps r sh1t plz mansion fact only".

    Oh, I'd like to touch base on this:
    Originally Posted by Belzac View Post
    Man I don't know how to break this to you but gunz is what you make it. You can't sit here and tell everyone how to enjoy it better. GunZ has way more than two years of life left, in my opinion gunz won't die, ever. The fact of the matter is, it's too unique. That's why it's been out for 11 years and there are still not only people playing it, but there are AMAZING people working to perfect the game even today. The result of that is fgunz, the absolute greatest private server that has ever existed. I was a developer at 3 servers, and have played gunz since international beta so it's not like my opinion goes for nothing. It's been 11 years. Sorry but this comes off so typical with the whole " uhh the community is dying we need to do THIS" format.

    In my opinion, the only change that needs to be made right now, is that they need to make it so you can't use big swords or double big swords when the [glad] code is on. Like sorry if you use double swords you can just get out.
    GunZ won't ever actually "die", per-se. But it will wither. It already is. But there will always be that one guy who won't stop hosting a server.
    Last edited by Modal; 07-25-2016 at 10:49 PM.

  9. #27
    Suggestion Gatekeeper

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    Apr 2015
    Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. People praised the gameplay but the gameplay has a high barrier to entry. Naturally you could argue that noobs could fight noobs, but casual players move on to newer games a lot quicker, example Overwatch. That is where the mass of player numbers come from. Now you tell me, is gunz seen as a casual game? You would essentially have to make the spiritual successor to gunz if you even wanted to attempt to see a large influx of new players.

    With that being said you can add a few things here and there to try and keep things a little interesting which helps. But that wont bring new players per se just a few older ones may return and the rest stay. Like Hex said there will always be some guy that will host a server though.

    I know a lot will dissagree with me but given the limited population im not sure how well ELO/MMR will really work out but as dave said that is something we would like to implement.

  10. #28

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Originally Posted by S1lent View Post
    Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. People praised the gameplay but the gameplay has a high barrier to entry. Naturally you could argue that noobs could fight noobs, but casual players move on to newer games a lot quicker, example Overwatch. That is where the mass of player numbers come from. Now you tell me, is gunz seen as a casual game? You would essentially have to make the spiritual successor to gunz if you even wanted to attempt to see a large influx of new players.

    With that being said you can add a few things here and there to try and keep things a little interesting which helps. But that wont bring new players per se just a few older ones may return and the rest stay. Like Hex said there will always be some guy that will host a server though.

    I know a lot will dissagree with me but given the limited population im not sure how well ELO/MMR will really work out but as dave said that is something we would like to implement.
    An implementation of Glicko2 would work well enough. Also, did someone say spiritual successor? Sounds like fun

  11. #29
    New Member

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    Originally Posted by Hexpresso View Post
    An implementation of Glicko2 would work well enough. Also, did someone say spiritual successor? Sounds like fun
    That might be the best option, but I think a ladder might work as well considering how small the population is.
    Thanks for the updates!

    EDIT: wanted to change my statement from "ladder is best" to "ladder is a good option"
    Last edited by GDBobby; 07-26-2016 at 06:49 AM.

  12. #30

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Originally Posted by GDBobby View Post
    That might be the best option, but I think a ladder would work as well considering how small the population is.
    Thanks for the updates!
    They're many options. But all in all the best course of action, in my opinion, is to work with the competitive players and service them. It's been said in this thread already, but I'll reiterate. We're not gaining new GunZ players as a community, so the best a server can do is hang on to the ones they have.

  13. The following user said thank you to Modal for this useful post:

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