Originally Posted by Moh View Post
I dont think we should seperate gladiator by swords only. If we did and someone started styling on someone with large swords we might need to code another tag for no large swords.
Obviously just nerf dagger damage and make it equal to rusty. I can promise you no one can beat a sworder with a rusty dagger then. I'm willing to level the playing field. Just don't limit what games i can join based on the weapons i choose. Swords only hurts me because dagger vs dagger is a huge waste of time. Nothing interesting will happen. Take it from someone who plays any dagger regardless of level.
I'm just trying to give a solution for these glad kids that cries against daggers. I appreciate u gave ur opinion with respect and not with trash talk like someone else . (Tho i think might these tags can be useful for events)