Biggest issue is the skill gap. New players don't stick around long because of it. I've found so far the best way to get them into it is via questing and then teaching them moves in private training matches here and there. Eventually you see that spark light and they start actually joining into TDMs and holding their own. It's just so hard though when they come directly into game and go into a TDM and I can't really blame them. I wouldn't play for long either If all that would happen is me getting killed constantly with no guidance to get any better. Best thing you could do is stream and then take that time to guide those new players in. At least taking them in quests teaches them the basics while also giving them progress. Just such a hard game to get into really. I agree with you 100% always been on the cusp of mainstream. If it were possible to make leveled lobbies or rooms that limit K/D's over a certain ratio that could be a starting point to get new players to play against other new people. Either way man, definetly stream!! Thats such a good source for getting new people in as well as showing them how to do things. I know their is a ton of people who wanna be able to enjoy this game for years to come.