Originally Posted by Nuva View Post
@no life kid... http://fgunz.net/character/view/Mime
you have 108 days played in about 10 months time. Your just as bad as me so that's an extremely hypocritical statement, and stop calling people kid, i guarantee your not 18....

@started acting big.... I have no clue what that means....

@Kareem trolls way too much and thinks he's funny. About time someone sets him straight.... Once again hypocritical, and how do you set someone straight over the internet?
I started this recent account like 2 months before summer, summer time was an extremely slow working time for me. I only had work like. 5 hours a week. And apart from chilling with my friends I use to play GunZ. Not like you who got lvl 99 in 42 and thinks it's an achievement to no life. Go quest some fcking random ass br. If you compare my time from when there was decent staff to now, you'll see I don't even play 1hour a week.
Eat my shit, no one likes you.