Originally Posted by Avenge View Post
You’re bashing him bro when you shouldn’t be. I don’t log on the forums much nor did I know there was an updating coming out for more than the sg spread. Idc in the long run so long as lb and lbx are not useless but it’s kind of what’s happened. 50 delay is nothing in terms of a difference. Any delay lower than 50 would set fg back on track to the old shitty 850 delay days. What he’s asking is for you to understand it from a consumer’s side as wel: some ppl spent money on coins. Some cwed for them. Some got gifted. Lb and lbx were guns that were set at the pinnacle of fg’s sgs. Now, they’re close to shop 200 c items? A lot and I mean ALOT of ppl could’ve saved their time, energy, and money by just getting those. So long as I don’t do 10 dmg pbs I’m grateful for the update but like I said, just look at the bigger picture bro before u attck him xD
The shotguns shouldn't have existed in that state in the first place.