Originally Posted by AncientVu View Post
The SG tag was to test different spread, we were not told anything about the fact that the weapons would be nerfed. The damage/spread ration was perfect testing spread before this update with SG 424. Making LB/LBX basically the same as regular donor SG is a big slap in the face of the people that spent 1k-2k and even more than that for them. I am also noticing you guys aren't responding to the people who are bringing up this issue and instead only responding to others .
There have been countless threads / posts where users have discussed shotguns / limitbreakers and even those users that have limitbreakers asked for them to be nerfed as 10 damage was too much. There's really no need to keep discussing it. Be aware that any items can always undergo change including donation and lucky box items, it is no different in other games. And we are striving to level the playing field which, generally speaking, is always a good thing.