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  1. #31
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Mar 2014
    Originally Posted by LostX View Post
    The fact is that one of the options were the cw rewards, which means you gave into consideration that way.

    Can you tell me how many players play cw all the day while stream on twich daily in good quality, make 2 rbs per month, win weekly compt, win events and play/be afk for 3 hrs? I think you get the answer, if not let me tell you.

    There are many ways, that's a fact, but they are more options than any other things. Some ppl just play 3 hrs daily for activity points, others play cw for get more coins or they just cw w/o playing/ being afk for 3 hrs, some just stream, and others focus on weekly and/or rb in a month. And i guess you've never tried lucky boxes for get an item (or cosmetic boxes), because these shits are famous on how you spend 2k, 3k or even 4k and still you havn't get any legendary item (or in the case of cosmetic boxes an especific item).

    Those that grind coins af are few ppl which can play for 4, 5, 6 and even more hours in a day, do you think everyone can do this? If so then why i always saw players complaining about that cw isn't played so much? Or why i see few streamers? Or why i've seen posts/threads of players saying 3 hrs is too much for an activity point?

    I guess you have a lot of time for get coins and you can get all ways for get coins, but that's you, not everyone.
    By naming so many mechanics and (unjustifiably) excusing it with "not everyone has many hours to spend each day" you are proving my point. If i had to guess i would say more than 10,000 coins are given out to players every week through things you've mentioned and those you haven't. How many weeks would pass by before the active playerbase of 100-150 players consists of players that each have thousands of coins in their accounts? I don't care that some players spend 12 hours on this game. I look at overall coin gain for the playerbase and it should not be the way it is.

  2. #32
    Mario's Avatar 2nd Winner Is 1st Loser

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I don't care that some players spend 12 hours on this game. I look at overall coin gain for the playerbase and it should not be the way it is.
    I think that's kinda dumb to say. If u take any other game in example such as League Of Legends since I know u play that, someone that plays for 1 hour or whatever is 10000% NOT going to get the same amount of Blue Essence/Capsules from leveling up/Boxes the same that someone that grinds for 12 hours would get. "it should not be this way", it really should be this way because time = money... (or coins in this case)

    Example also works with MapleStory and basically any other game u have to play a lot of hours to get rewards for...

  3. #33
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by SaltAce View Post
    I think that's kinda dumb to say. If u take any other game in example such as League Of Legends since I know u play that, someone that plays for 1 hour or whatever is 10000% NOT going to get the same amount of Blue Essence/Capsules from leveling up/Boxes the same that someone that grinds for 12 hours would get. "it should not be this way", it really should be this way because time = money... (or coins in this case)

    Example also works with MapleStory and basically any other game u have to play a lot of hours to get rewards for...
    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I look at overall coin gain for the playerbase and it should not be the way it is.

  4. #34
    Benny's Avatar smh

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I look at overall coin gain for the playerbase and it should not be the way it is.
    Well I just don’t see the logic to look at it that way, since not all the players gain the exact same amount of coins each week, some end up with 200 coins or even more, and some with literally 0.
    Each individual decided how much time he’s going to spend on this game and if someone ACTUALLY plays the game for over 3-4 hours so yea, he deserves “free stuff” as u call it.
    And let’s not include the afkers who collect 100 coins every 10 days, which is a joke imo.

    End of the day changes are needed, it came to the point where I need to split my clan and cw each other because no one else wants to 😂

  5. #35
    McDonald's headquarter

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    Originally Posted by beny054 View Post
    LMFAO the disrespect , i earned it fairly playing some of the best gladders in the server trust me
    why act as if u know me and how i play?
    u 2 are welcome to glad CW me anytime, unless u gonna flex and say u only sg cw now ? ^^

    all of that is completely of topic tho, understand that the system was bugged back then and from 2 cws only u got around 120 points = 60 coins lol.
    at the end of the day the only reason i want them to change something is for more people to play, i don't care about coins.
    This guy is hyped because he is one of the best glad players in a server contain 20-25 active glad players 0.0
    ok bro ill let this slide i wont end ur gunz career rn

  6. #36
    Benny's Avatar smh

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    Originally Posted by Sam View Post
    This guy is hyped because he is one of the best glad players in a server contain 20-25 active glad players 0.0
    ok bro ill let this slide i wont end ur gunz career rn
    First of all, I'll be honest I have no clue who u are, and why u keep trying to provoke me.
    I definitely don't consider myself "one of the best glad players", I just enjoy playing glad that's it, server also contains much more than 25 active glad players, most of them just don't glad cw.
    but again, ur sliding of topic, if u have nothing to say regarding the suggestion that was submitted, why do u comment on this post?
    Last edited by Benny; 06-23-2020 at 12:14 PM.

  7. #37
    Dunkin's Avatar E X G O D

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    Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    People literally got thousands of coins (each week) before, it's not going to be reverted back.
    I think this thread has been answered guys. No need to argue.

  8. #38
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

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    Unpopular opinion: How about donating for coins?

  9. #39
    Benny's Avatar smh

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    Originally Posted by McSic View Post
    Unpopular opinion: How about donating for coins?

    I’m all for supporting the server and donating, but that has nothing to do with this post.
    Let’s hear what u think about it, should players who play for like 20 minutes and afk for the rest 2 and a half hours get almost the same reward as the people who actually play the game for hours and hours?
    I think something should be changed to motivate people to cw.

    I want to mention that the only thing I want from all of this is more people to cw with, nothing else.
    If u say nothing will be changed that’s fine, I tried.

  10. #40
    McDonald's headquarter

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    Jan 2013
    Originally Posted by beny054 View Post

    I’m all for supporting the server and donating, but that has nothing to do with this post.
    Let’s hear what u think about it, should players who play for like 20 minutes and afk for the rest 2 and a half hours get almost the same reward as the people who actually play the game for hours and hours?
    I think something should be changed to motivate people to cw.

    I want to mention that the only thing I want from all of this is more people to cw with, nothing else.
    If u say nothing will be changed that’s fine, I tried.
    Brother you already won 1.2k coins in 1 week why are you complaining?!
    this idea is so bad , there barely cw in the server and winning 1.2k coins in 1 week is abuse.. just by playing 20-30 games .. you can get coins from VIP / activity and LOT OF OTHER ACTIVIES going on why are you complaining?
    well maybe i know why

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