Originally Posted by theone View Post
Without the cwers the server will just die..
when u add stuff like this the server gonna die .
The Event players/ tdm garden players/ Training players/ Quester, they don't have any idea what Cwers talking about because they used to play another less important competitive mode
One day you all gonna realize that the cw players the only players who gonna grow up the server...
Good luck,
Why are you so salty? I only explained what's the issue IN MY OPINION and said that I THINK the solution is to make it toggable so you get to choose how to play and you will be able to control whether you want it to stay this way or you want it to be how it was before the update, same goes to one who replied above you.

I'm not the one who's taking decisions for you and I'm free to post my opinion just like any other user whether you like it or not. I actually do not stand with the "eventers" this time, I said that I think it should be toggable so those who dislike it will be able to reverse it to the way it was before.