Originally Posted by Jianyu View Post
Well, I guess it's a good thing that opinions can be wrong then, huh?

Interesting that you say gladiators ego a lot, when if we see here we can clearly see that the only gladiator threads with ego in it are made by Kendrick, who is literally autistic irl (on top of which, just started the game after Aeria closed.) Otherwise, it's all gunners posting their scores; 1v1's for gladiators are usually kept between themselves and the only person who posts videos is Afterburned on ik1d3.

Note to all future posters, we're basing the discussion on facts; opinions are welcomed but will be overlooked when compiling the information.


I agree and disagree. I think all the glads are autistic, though it's not just Kendrick who's posting in that section, somehow your thread is in there as well.

As I explained before, the glads are the bigger minority, not just this server, everywhere. So obviously, you're going to find more posts made by 'gunners' then 'glads'. You should take that into calculation when compiling all the information.

Also, if you're just looking at that section, then your compiling of information would just go nowhere. You should use the entire forum, chatbox and in-game events if you're going to make some documentary about autistics and gunners, sorry I mean glads and gunners.

And one more thing, the majority of the items written in this thread are opinions, especially the first post is quite hilarious :'). But on a serious note, I don't believe you're quite capable of dividing facts and opinion, perhaps someone else should compile all the information for you? Like a normal human being?