Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
In my opinion glaidioters or glads w/e you want to call 'm are the most annoying community. It's like the last pest race that just doesn't want to die, nobody likes them and they don't even like each other themselves. They pretend to have some kind of honor whereas the game offers a lot more then just using your dumb sword. Whenever glads get around they insult, ego and brag about anything they can find. You tend to find this with dagger people as well, I guess you can categorize them as glads as well (not naming Muso or DD).

I understand the game brings a long some ego and competition, but we all know it would be better if the glads would just rot on some island far away from normal human beings . Anyways, thats my opinion.
Well, I guess it's a good thing that opinions can be wrong then, huh?

Interesting that you say gladiators ego a lot, when if we see here we can clearly see that the only gladiator threads with ego in it are made by Kendrick, who is literally autistic irl (on top of which, just started the game after Aeria closed.) Otherwise, it's all gunners posting their scores; 1v1's for gladiators are usually kept between themselves and the only person who posts videos is Afterburned on ik1d3.

Note to all future posters, we're basing the discussion on facts; opinions are welcomed but will be overlooked when compiling the information.

