Originally Posted by DDaggerDD View Post
Its not a good system like ive said, you stop so much more. Its horrid seeing a legit discussion be shot down like that. Theres forums like I've said where anplayer can get banned for de railing and systems like this stop players from going off topic in the first place and these forums end up wth very good discussions. The way this forum is being handled isn't right. You silence everyone by closing a thread because of two people.

Why move my thread to offtopic. Move it to discussion/debates please.
Well that one thread you linked earlier in another thread, I believe it kind of died.
And maybe if you make your threads more easier to read, you might get some people that can reply to it cause you know.. IQ 'n stuff ^_^.

/moved to debates, but keep in mind we can still close it cause this thread is kind of dumb.
Besides the "trying to control too much", if we do not step in.. this place would've been horrible.. trust me, the way it is moderated and ruled is way better as 2 years ago.