Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
I never once sweared towards him or anyone. I use some "harsh" words to express myself however. Such as; "People SPAMMED the chat trying to correct your mistakes when you ****ed up the rules and etc" but you wont see me calling him stupid names or whatever. If you think my way of expressing myself however is rude or something, then sorry but it's the way I've been writing my entire life. That doesn't mean I'm not being reasonable just because I'm using some words "professionals" wouldn't.
''Lol first of all, if you think it's exhausting to turn on event image, logging events and adding points, all the things you do before or after events, then I dont know what to tell you. You're either completely lazy or you must be mentally challenged.'' - You.

It's quite ignorant to come to conclusions like him being mentally challenged. It might not be direct swearing but it is insulting. If he did the same to you just be the bigger man. That's why you're staff and he isn't. At the end of the day Zéxi's chances of ever being anything like a staff member on FGunZ are slim to none. If staff shows bad behaviour or insulting ways of responding people will remember, if regular members do such things it will just fall in to the void.