What is underclocking?
There are two different types of underclocking; Software and hardware sided.
Refer to this thread for some insight into common misconceptions:
https://freestylersworld.com/showthr...ned-IDTIMWYTIM courtesy of Mike.
The purpose of underclocking is to make the game slower, so you can hit harder and you don't need to aim with the normal speed of the game.
Here are two replays(watch 1Mike1);
What is overclocking
Similar to how underclock works, the difference is to however make the gameplayer faster.
Once again, here are two examples of overclocking;
UC put into context
Here is a replay of a battle against 1Mike1, he is UCing at 0.97 in this replay. -
Some notable factors of this replay are;
- He hits quite hard from quite a far distance away.
- He often has a lot of glitchy movements.
- His movements are quite slow.
OC put into context
A 1v1 of 1Mike1 OCing at 1.03 -
Notable factors;
- Much faster speed than usual.
- Once again a lot of glitchy movements (usually the big giveaway)
What is shotbot
Shotbot is a third party program on GunZ also it's known on other games to make the character (you) automatically shoot your opponent.
Replay so you can see how to dectect shotbotters:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/19n5t5 and
http://www.sendspace.com/file/tzgrey and
Note: The replays above includes shotbot with underclock.
User will receive a permanent ban.
Read this thread for more information and replays:
If the report is based on clanwar you have to provide a replay with minimum of 3 rounds and minimum of 2 screenshots showing the ping of the user.
If the report is based on any other game-mode you have to provide a replay with minimum of 6 rounds and minimum of 2 screenshots showing the ping of the user.