Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
We're just tired of these threads that is in other sections but the ego section, starting drama. So I think that's where most of the frustration lies, shouldn't take it personally.

Ye I agree. It will feel pointless if you ban someone and then they pop up again 3 months later like "wazzup I'm back! Am I hacking again? U don't know but try me bitch lulz".

Again, forum and in-game are different stuff. What you do in-game (flame, hack, spam, everything but advertising) does not effect your forum account and vice versa.
Not gonna lie, we forum moderators got a lot of "freedom" when it comes to decision making since we don't really have that sort of a protocol like the GM's does. If we feel like you're being nothing but trouble to this forum (spamming, provoking, flaming and etc.) then we can ban you for a really long time provided with that you have a bunch of infractions.

Unless you are also a complete random with 1 post who immediately shows that behaviour.
If thats how you really feel and think it should be run then its a lost cause.. I would expect a little slight just a smidgen of 'yeah possibly' but considering your mindset is so fixated on thinking what you and other staff members are doing is right then continue godspeed and enjoy the fall of this server as it continues to crash.