Originally Posted by EternalBeast View Post
Is it possible to have client-based shotgun spread options? A way for people to individually choose between the vanilla spread and the 20% reduced one and be able to play in the same rooms?

The Feb 2 antilead update with vanilla spread was great in my opinion, but many others didn't seem to like it. The current reduced spread has ruined my gameplay experience yet again and it'd be great to be able to choose between the two if there's a chance it can work that way.
Hmm.. while that is possible theoretically, it would make more sense if you play a bit until you get used to the new spray (yeah it could take days, weeks) otherwise other players would always have that advantage with their better accuracy on mid to long range. Increased accuracy really is better once you get used to it, you should see an increase of damage sooner or later, I think.