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  1. #1
    Xiaomi's Avatar Opxx

    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    IGN of reported player:BOYETGwapo

    Reason: Abused kick


    credit thread from mr @conor :

    1st of all, the given policy and instruction was unclear and undefined properly as a matter i’m not aware for the restriction usage of weapons in room. Given the scenario, I used my preferred items and equipments that are indeed comfortable on my part.

    2nd, He was extremely greedy by the way of his treatment and approach towards us, he don’t wanted to have reach communication with him for competitions. In fact, it is a matter of extraordinary competitions and not extra abuse of kicking out players from the room. It is a completely execution of biases !

    I feel like there was a deprivation of my right to enjoy the game. Seriously, if this is always happening to us i cant enjoyed and played properly as i wanted. If you let him take an undue advantage of his kind of acts, he might to do it with other players. Once a cheater will be always be a cheater. It is a battle of investing your trust again to the offender. Please take an action with this issue.

    Looking forward to your urgent resolution and active response!
    Last edited by Xiaomi; 02-27-2019 at 06:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Rajindo's Avatar New Member

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    IGN of reported player:BOYETgwapo

    Reason: Abused Kicking to Win Weekly Competition


    Good day sir, i just want to report the player named "BOYETgwapo" , he kicked me in the room(turbo) twice , i have no idea why he is always doing this. . Im using a sniper always in turbo mode, he is insisting that im using a cheat just because im using a sniper (1-hit kill), I attached the .gzr file here in my report, you will see that he is trying to kick "Yumen" in the room, with the same reason "kick Yumen sniper" . . . For me, its unfair, because we have the rights to choose what weapon/gun, gameplay we want to play, and then there are players thinking that we sniper users are cheating/hacking . . and then i found out that currently he is #1 rank now in weekly competition (Most Kills, Most Level Up) . . . and Yumen is the #2 rank in the weekly competition, so maybe BOYETgwapo is doing this just because he wants to win the competition. . Its not fair, . . I hope that you make actions regarding this issue, . . thanks. .

    P.S. my name in the replay is "Xperia" im using SG that time to avoid being kicked again by BOYETgwapo
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I'll try to explain it as clearly as I can. The fact he says "kick him" doesn't mean he's abusing the vote kick system. Abusing the vote kick system has 2 meanings:

    1. Rejoining to avoid death/kick means that the user will simply leave the room to avoid being kicked from the room or a death.
    2. Rejoining to get another vote kick, it means he's abusing the system which means he can make a vote kick more than once, which means it's against our rules.

    There's no evidence of him doing either of the following thins I've mentioned above. You two simply provided screenshots and replays of him kicking you once and saying "kick yumen sniper".

    In case he does abuse the vote kick system, simply take screenshots of him leaving and joining to the room again. Take screenshots of the vote kicks as well.
    Remember - we cannot see vote kicks in replays.

    Declined due lack of evidence.

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