Problems updating?
Add Gunz.exe and Launcher.exe (or the FGunZ folder) to the exception list of your anti-virus software and make sure to run the Launcher as Administrator!
Hey Freestylers
Another update has been released.
Celebrate the new year with us with some fancy looking 2021 glasses that have been sent to your storage!
- Fixed some crashes related to quests (palmpow), christmas specials, /it and /bomb (in lobby)
- Added a 'Reflectable Rockets' room mod for events: Rockets have a maximum life time of 10 seconds or until they hit a player. They can never hit the one who's shooting them (the host). When hitting a surface, they reflect and keep flying. Additionally, players can block them and reflect them to a direction of their choice, but getting the timing + position right for that is quite difficult.
- Reworked Kick System: Kicks are automatically lifted after 10 minutes + the kicked user is informed how much time remains when he tries to join the room. (Example) + You gain the ability to kick every 10 minutes if you don't have it. That means after logging in, you won't be able to kick for the first 10 minutes. After starting a votekick on someone, you won't be able to start another vote for 10 minutes. The old ways to gain kicks don't work anymore. (I suppose staff can be more lenient with kicks due to this new system)
- Pings are always updated now, regardless if the scoreboard is open or not (this should especially be useful for replays)
- Added an option to see the ping of the currently aimed character next to his name (Example) (Video -> [IV] -> Show Enemy Ping)
- Added /friends and /clan commands to see which friends in your friendlist are online / clanmates are online (similar to /staff)
- Fixed School Quest boss not attacking sometimes
- Added the 5 sexy checked chests for men to the ingame bounty shop (that we thought we added in last update, but didn't)
- Added Dark Santa Claus Caps for men and women to the ingame bounty shop (that we thought we added in last update, but didn't)
Happy holidays and enjoy this update!
FreestylersWorld Staff