1) Reverse Hide and Seek

Description: Hosts Hide and Players seek. This should be done in a relatively complicated or huge sized maps. First to find host wins.

Alternatively, for a harder event, you can do a medium sized map. The twist is that the hosts are completely invisible to the naked eye. This means no shadows nothing. Players will have to do specific actions(eg jump 5 times on the spot and told before the event starts) within slash range of the hosts. If a host is within slash range, the host will slash this player and this player wins. It can be done with one winner, or multiple. Depending on the number of winners per round, this would be done in a training(for 3 winners) or team training (1 winner)

2) Lady Luck

Description: We already have a lucky dice that guesses higher or lower than 6. Now, we have highest/lowest/closest. Each player takes turns to roll a dice up to 999 or 9999. Highest/Lowest is pretty self explanatory. The person who rolls the Highest/Lowest wins. As for closest, the hosts will give a specific number between 1-99. Players will roll in an attempt to get as close as possible to that number. Each player will only be allowed to roll once and if there were 2 rolls, only the first will be counted. In order to prevent spamming, there should be turns taken like in lucky dice. If a players gets the exact number, they should be given 2ep instead of 1ep. Likewise, for highest and lowest, if the players roll 1 or 999/9999.

3) Fate of Survival

Description: This event will require 2 hosts, one to prevent cheating and checking who won, the other will be stabby stab stabbing. Hosts and players spawn into Arena. Players are given 30 seconds to find a spot to stand in, no hanging no wall cancelling nothing. After 30 seconds all players will be frozen. The host will then use an admin dagger to hunt... blind. (This might be a concern since players would never know if hosts truly blind themselves. I don't doubt hosts integrity but even tomas doubted himself when i consulted him on this). To ensure that the hosts are at least visually impaired during the event, the host should constantly be looking upwards while he hunts. This way, the players would know that the hosts are actually hunting blind and not rigging. Of course, the best way is to simply tuturn off the monitor and do it. But players would never really know if you did. Last to survive wins.

P.S. i suggested all these luck based events because skill based ones would always grant the same few players the ep. By going luck based, everyone will have a fair chance, new player or not. This will incentivise more participation in events. I know i personally don't do some because i know i stand no chance kek. Events should be fun for everyone not just long time players.