Originally Posted by Frooples View Post
Skeet Shooting

Optional Tags: TP, BO, IA, SO

Players on Blue team, ET on red team. Players stand on a ledge/balcony with a ranged weapon. ET stands above on the roof out of view with X hp. ET jumps down and players shoot the ET while in view. First player to X kills wins. Difficulty can be determined based on area selection.

An example spot in the map Terrace of The Sky.
- Honestly, I really liked the idea. This could replace the 'Kill the Staff' event which doesn't exist anymore. However, it might be difficult for the host to watch the players, in order to see if anyone is cheating by leaving the ledge/balcony (in Terrace of The Sky map, for example). Another thing; instead of "First player to reach X kills wins", would be better if it was "First player to kill the host each round wins 1 event point" (5 rounds event basically). Besides, what do you mean by SO room-tag? not sure I understood that.

Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
Don't Be Last
Description: The host will spawn everyone to the Superflip "Noob Course". He will unfreeze players at the start of the course, and position himself over the climbing wall (tall, narrow wall separating the bottom and top platforms). Players will then be unfrozen and be required to reach the finish line of the "Noob" course, and will be affected by 200% gravity as well as 200% speed, making it harder for them to climb. The host, standing at the top of the wall, will be slashing them down (slashes cause double the knockback due to 200% speed). The last player to reach the finish line gets slapped. The host then freezes everyone alive back at the start of the "Noob" course. This process repeats until there's a winner (5 rounds total).
Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. You cannot use a speedy dagger!. Listen to the host at all times. No stalling. No shortcutting.
Prize: Last person to stay alive (after everyone either suicided or got slapped for being last), gets 1 event point.
Game Mods: GOD, GLAD, S200, G200

Note: I recommend doing 5 rounds of this, and not kicking whoever loses. This is because suiciding can be frequent, especially if you get hit by the host or miss a jump. Additionally, each race-round is short, meaning the last person will die pretty frequently.

Don't Be Last (FF VERSION)
Description: The host will spawn everyone to this Superflip area: https://i.imgur.com/VARE8uE.jpeg . He will unfreeze players at the start of the course (bottom right of the picture), and wait here: https://i.imgur.com/E1odIHS.jpg . Players will then be unfrozen and be required to reach the host and die, and will be affected by 50% speed, making them slower. Players who got slashed off by other players have an opportunity to get back to the start of the course because of Bouncy Oblivion tag. The last player to reach the finish line gets killed/slapped. This process repeats until there's a winner (5 rounds total).
A different version of this: The first player to reach the host wins (did not have enough testing to determine how long each version might take).
Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. You cannot use a speedy dagger!. Listen to the host at all times. No stalling.
Prize: Last person to stay alive (after everyone got killed by being last), gets 1 event point. OR: First person to reach the host, gets 1 event point.
Game Mods: GOD, GLAD, S50

Note: Players who fall are not able to get back up and shortcut, as the bouncy oblivion does not bounce them up high enough for this to be possible. Instead, they have to dash back to the start (bottom right of first image).

Oblivion Battles ([GLAD]/[SGO]/[SNO]/[RVO])
Description: Similar to the way any gladiator type PVP event is hosted, players will now be spawned at the bottom of 'Skyline' (With bouncy oblivion, they cant suicide), and fight whilst jumping repeatedly (similar to bunny mode), and be unable to climb back up due to the high gravity. Last player alive wins (+3 +2 +1 if its hunger games styled). This offers a unique experience to PVP because you keep moving in the direction you dash/massive in, instead of staying in place. Variations with SGO/SNO/RVO are also possible.
Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No stalling.
Prize: Last player alive wins (+3 +2 +1 if its hunger games styled) 1 event point.
1. To be honest, I didn't like the idea. My fellow Trial Event Moderators have already said everything pretty much, but I may repeat some things in my reply. The biggest issue is that there's no really space for a lot of players to climb on the wall. Another thing is that the event will quickly become a torture and not enjoyable at all since you can barely go up and easily can get slashed to the oblivion. Basically, seems like there's 0 chance for players to go up successfully.

2. I personally liked the original version of this event, where the players have to reach the finish line and the last one gets slapped. By making it 1 winner each round (5 rounds in total), the event will take longer, I believe. Therefore, I may suggest to make it a 3 winners event, but then it'll be similar to Need for Speed. Anyways, it deserves a try. We can see how it actually works and maybe find some other twist(s). Side-note; the S50 room modifier isn't a good option imo because the slow movements might cause the participants lose patience.

3. That's a great idea, I really liked this one. I personally think we should also add more PvP events to the list, so this one could surely work! We can also try it with or without the G250 tag, since this modifier isn't necessary imo. Another option is to decrease it a little, G250 seems too high.

Overall, your event idea's are great. I believe that even those, which I personally didn't like, deserve a test.