Yeh staff is too strict and act like they are too good for us.I mean hell Stroop is by far the best one. always online, cracking jokes, having a good time. He talks to random little noobs. He always has time for you. superdry on the other hand is just a grouch. always mean, he needs to lighten up. none of the admins are ever on cept stroop and super well i handt see mcsic but only on forums. WE NEED MORE DEVS. Our server is lacking behind with old stuff. i mean mucr0 has already maed a shotgun on fire.We dont need to leech.
Nitro, you like to instagate, and everytime i see an argument your always in it.You always add a xD or =) after every sentance to make your sentance sound nice.
You also need to get over urself . Your not a admin. check your rank again bud.And quit babying bluetank, we all know ur obsessed over him and u want him to be mod. That only got him spamming the forums.
Asian ur not mean
Kyuu Ur not mean
Jaka were the hell are you?
All the devs are freaking awesome
trial gms eh are ok i hadnt seen nitro on but 1 time