

In Game Name (IGN):

About Me: I play currently only this server. I am dedicated to this server as a loyal member. I don't have much experience as a GM but I would love to change that! I can help members with problems easily. I have thoroughly read and re-read the TOS and Forum/In-Game Rules. I am extremely trustworthy.

Skills/Attributes (Coding/Photoshop/etc..): I can do some photoshop, not advanced stuff just basic things.

How Active Are You:I log on everyday for 4-5Hours, I don't post much cause I don't feel the need sometimes. I like to prevent from spamming for my posts.

How much experience do you have with being a Game Master/Game Moderator?: None, But I would really hope that Freestylers Crew would offer me the chance to change that.

What's so special about you? Why should you be accepted as a staff member? I am a really quick learner,responsible,grammatically correct 90% of the time, and would love to have the opportunity to work with such a great staff such as Freestylers Crew.

Do you speak any Languages besides English? I know my way around spanish.

Closing:I just hope that you can see that even though I don't have experience as a GM I would like the opportunity to be able to work with the staff. I am a quick learner so I could be taught easily the commands.
Thank you for viewing my application.
Color Coded for your reading ease.