Originally Posted by Jawarisin View Post
Well here is my opinion as of this.

Beforehand, I would just like to make the reminder that I am the one who suggested the sniper rework.

I think one of the main reasons snipers are hated, is due to their high damage AT ANY RANGE. The downside is the scope and need to aim.
Let's make a comparison here:
Most maps are: Close quarters;
From close, shotgun kill in: 2-3 hits.
Snipers : 2 hits.

Snipers require a scope and to aim, while shotgun are more forgiving because of the spread.
Shotguns have larger clip.
You can do more moves with shotguns.


So basically, shotguns have an ADVANTAGE at close range.
And snipers have an ADVANTAGE at long range.
Isn't that NORMAL?

We can also look at this this way. For a target which is really far away: He's small. With the fast-paced Gunz movement, he's hard to aim at.
Also, what is the main reason peoples use shotguns..... Because they are overpowered! That's the simple reason. They kill in 2-3 shots from close, have rather large clip for their killing power, they don't require as much aiming as any other gun due to the large spread, you can shoot very quickly with them, and they enable a big combination of deadly moves.
If players wanted to use the weakest guns, everybody would be carrying single pistols(not revolvers).

I think the only reason people complain is because running and spamming shotgun doesn't work as well.


Here is a middle finger for you suggesting the rework to the snipers. and single pistols are op with sniper combo.

other than that, i'm glad you see my point of view