Originally Posted by Courage View Post
No one ever got banned in alpha because you and rash were bias as gms and turned your heads the other way with your clan members. Yoda is the biggest ucer ive prolly ever seen play gunz other than johnny, and yet he never got banned and was in alpha. Inali overclocks harder than maplestory2 and was in alpha, never got banned. Thats just 2 examples off the top of my head. I could prolly name more but i really dont give a fk
Shut your face. Also if we "turned our heads" then why wouldn't we have banned him when we were rivals. I'm sure you've heard of Alpha vs Aqua. He was the leader of Aqua and the month before the transition into the clan war reward system our clans were fighting over the rank 1 position. Also, Inali never clan warred PERIOD so if he oc'd then I had no way of knowing for I only played in clanwars. Also I don't recall every seeing a report about him oc'ing. In fact, I'm VERY sure there was no report of him oc'ing while I was GM.