we just can;t ban someone through out the traditional process simply because they spend money on fgunz, the entire comunity is filled with aimbot, aimbotters are not trying to hide them self anymore because fgunz staff can;t ban all of them, peoples are tired of reporting, or GM;s are not responding to aimbot replays posted on the forum, its very subtle when it comes to arguing about distance ping differenciation+good aim, a warning system against hack abusers creating new account.

we can;t do much about the aimbot besides a new update that actually disable the bot, but~ i doubt the fgunz staff comunity have the budget or the manpower to develop a new update, so we might as well stick with the current situation we're in.

last but not least, i actually spend money on this private server because i do think this is the best pserver out of the rest, i spend money donating because i believe im going to spend a long time together with this pserver, don;t let me down men.