Rewards for the trailer contest-

First place: Winner receives a Snorkel, Possibly through gift box form if said person wants to gift the Snorkel away when received.
-Other options for First Place-
1.1- 500 Coins
1.2- 250 Coins and 5 Event tokens
1.3- 300 Coins and one Donation item of a cost of 100 coins or below(Max) of their choice.
1.4- Winner receives Limit Breaker for winning the contest.

Second place: Winner receives 400 Coins and Receives Two event Tokens.
2.1- Winner Receives 250 Coins and 4 Event Tokens
2.2- Winner Receives 175 Coins and 6 Event Tokens

Third Place: Winner Receives 250 Coins and 1 Event token.
3.1- Winner Receives 100 Coins and 2 Event tokens
2.2- Winner may choose any donation item(perm) priced at 250 or below. Received as a gift box

-Making them up as i go so some may be highly unbalanced, if you notice any flaws please feel free to edit/modify as you see fit-

And as for items that need fixing/rebalance/Etc...
Normal players Compared to donators are usually at a disadvantage. Lets be honest though, most normal players(Players who dont donate) Arent well-rounded when it comes to Aim, Skill, And all of that fancy stuff..Including RS. I say reduce the damage of the following weaponsOnly my opinions, So yeah)

1. Predator Mis.
This could use a serious damage decrease as well as a major delay re-definition. Considering with the [R] Command in almost every room they are spammable, and if used correctly..They hurt.

2. Donation Revolvers-
These could use a damage reduction. I understand that these require more aim(Unless you're better at aiming than most) But fight against someone who knows how to aim and you're dead almost 15 to 20 seconds in a fight. (Speaking from experience, I suck that bad, lmao)

3. Donation Rocket launcher-
Minor deduction in damage would be nice.

4. Donation Meds-
These do not require any deduction per say, but rather i suggest switching them back to the original "Candy Cane" Meds. I really enjoyed them, Set them to where they don't heal as much as the current meds do... Example being.

Per Candycane pack you receive 100 Candycanes, Each candycane healing approximately 1.5 Health to 2 Health(Or more depending on what people think)
Same goes with the green stuff(Forgot what that stuff is called, havent been on GunZ in a while )

Donation Sniper-
Well these goes to basically ALL snipers, they all pack a punch and if you know how to aim, then yeah...You win.

Don't get me wrong i fancy the idea of two hit killing someone, i even use snipers, but they are fairly OP.
(If not two hit then 3 hit, depending on when you shoot them and if they were shot before)

All i could think of off of the top of my head, if i think of anything else, i'll edit this...