Originally Posted by RainSama View Post
Make a Replay website.
Meaning, make a site where people can upload there replays.

Members could login with there game account better yet it should be connected to it.
Make it so they can change there replay profile, name, etc so there user Id is annonymous.

Once a replay is uploaded it will be tagged with (Dm, tdm so on) it should also show player information for example ( wich player is in what team, score of the players, score of the game, lengt of the game etc) and the op should be able to enable the viewable of
a chat log ( with everything viewable, teamchat, groupchat, wispers etc)

and I can keep up but tired of typing more wall of text.

p.s about the security Or to avoid people to upload replays from a diffrent server, make it that every replay that's been made on fgunz have a special code or encryption would do it.
You can use this tool by Wizkid which should work with FGunZ replays.