Originally Posted by DDaggerDD View Post
A game with not just a lot of variety in it's gameplay, but a game that can have a lot of variety which leaves space for players to find future new tactics and combos etc to be used and viable against previously meta (ik lol) strategies, is a good game. A game without the need to update/balance out things and leave it up to the community to balance out the game with new findings. But when there is a thorn, a big ass thorn in the game's back, blocking the players up front, slowing down game progression, variety, new findings- the game will slowly get stale for the players and they will slowly be converted to what I call "insta ups". Where you can only really have a boost of fun from something that insta gives it to you like a new update, a patch, an in game event and yes, also room tags. A game will constantly change if there is room for it to change and players will always see different tactics/styles from players- being valid, and having fun fighting against different things constantly.

Although it can happen here, yet rarely, and at a very slow rate are new kstyle moves and tactics found here- wait they aren't- but if you have a game mode that conflicts with another gamemode and limits it from expanding, the players will get bored of it over time and result to other things, room tag versions of it, etc. If there is a group of items unbalancing and limiting variety in a game mode, that gamemode will get stale and slowly die out, this applies to clanwar, everything. It has been happening long before like you said, however, it seems like the more and more updates come on this server, the more they conflict with the growth of other content in this game- Until someone complains about it.. I just wish content was actually legitly tested and barely conflicts with other things, and don't rely on the community's responses so heavily and know for ur selves.... (the devs). Well, we'll see.
I very much agree... Unfortunately circumstances are not in our favor.
Going back is often a lot harder than moving on with what you got. Even if sometimes taking a few steps back could be a wise decision.

The game has changed tremendously over the years, so have the players, and so has the community.
Economically speaking, these changes were necessairy.
The Vanilla Gunz so to say, had not changed for years yet proved to have a very appealing meta ( ) problem was, it didn't meet the expectations of further developped games, and more and more the public turned to CoD like games ( If I may refer to it this way )
Great issues were the learning curve, and attracting new players. ( Major issues discussed upon the closure of the "official" servers )

Great examples are in instance the [R]. Frowned upon by many, but if you look at the statistics a vast majority actually "likes" it, and or agrees to play in a game with it.
So is the Anti-lead system.
Regarding the development of new moves, we have to realize that in the end, every glitch has a cap. ( with glitch I mean the entire system of cancelling moves & combinations because YES ! Dear players, the success of Gunz is all based on a glitch. )

These changes I suppose have their pros and cons but have greatly contributed to the survival aspect of this 2003 game.

I'm afraid the old days will only be memories, but I will secretly hope future updates will take these thoughts into account and maybe we can find a more balanced middle-ground again !