Originally Posted by FreeWilly View Post
you both just totally ignored what he said and took it way out of prospective. kstyle with shotguns are what made this game popular. before that it was a few hundred people running around with spray and the player base was the size of fgunz is now. once kstyle with shotguns came around the player base grew. so stop QQing about your OP weapons getting dummied cause you cant aim with a spread weapon. snipers werent even ment for gunz. its a private server exclusive. this game isnt ment to have you getting 1 shotted from half way to end of the map. Its shit like this that makes people not want 2 play this server.
Shit like this should make you want to play here just because other weapons are actually able to kill shotgunners. Also all other populair servers have this pay to win motto with their 1 hit kill 14 damage shotguns and donor armour that has 3x normal armour stats, i don't see the fun in everyone should just use the same weapon and everything that's not a shotgun and is able to kill me has to be nerfed so I always win with my shotguns...