Originally Posted by Tomboii View Post
Well koreans play using very low pings , since everyones internet is good over there. perhaps the average ping there is like 5-7? not much higher then 11 usually.

They barely know how to lead and also have way different playstyles because of the extremely low pings.
5-7 ping?

Please. Someone sitting right next to me is like 15 ping. No, they have 15-20 ping usually. They don't go above 25 usually though. 55+ is usually a ban because of a shtload of complaining.

They don't have different play styles LOL They have low pings because they're all in Korea with the same network. It's the same as BR GunZ. We assume it's a bunch of beaners leading each other because it's BR, but they really have like 20 ping to each other too.

It's not that they CAN'T or DON'T play our servers, it's just that they have better time over there because of the low ping

Your entire post was off.