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  1. #11
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
    Don't agree there though, there's a reason why we use rifles to hunt elks/bears and such, bigger animals. But to get that rifle you need to go through a long process.
    Yeah that one's my bad. Forgot to take into account that people in certain areas have to hunt for their food for survival needs, which then yeah would require something stronger than a handgun.

    Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
    If you don't need a gun when you're 18 or 21, why would you need one when you're 25?
    Well I know it wasn't originally taken into account in my OG post, but one reason would be the reason I mentioned above this, hunting food for survival purposes. Also most people generally want to purchase a gun for self defense purposes to make themselves feel more secure, which is understandable living in the US with such high crime rates all over the place. Also the reasoning behind why I say 25 is because, yes, I understand age and maturity don't always correlate (i.e. some 14 year olds have more maturity in their pinky than plenty of people in their early 20s), but generally these two tend to correlate. You have 18 year olds going out partying and not giving a shit about life, underage drinking and making poor decisions, eager to finally turn 21 to be able to legally drink, then that phase will tend to die down once someone is in their mid 20s. Most people will have their maturity fully established by the time they're in their mid 20s because they aren't going to get very far in life with an immature attitude at that point. They start to realize shit man, I need to save money and comfortably afford a place to live, feed myself and possibly a family at that point, etc.

    Also taking into account that gun control is a big buzz topic in the moment due to school shootings. A good majority of people are fully completed with high school and college by the time they're 25 and have developed more in terms of maturity. And the development in maturity also ties into gun crimes in general.

    I know there's a lot of "what ifs" you can argue against some of my points, but you're honestly not going to form 100% perfect gun control laws in this world to eliminate these issues completely and forever, especially not in the US. The most you can do is alter what already exists to do your best to prevent it as best as possible.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  2. #12
    Fay's Avatar Inactive

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    If you want less incidents, make stricter laws or ban guns in general.
    The people who say 'It's not the guns, it's the people who hold them', should really shut tf up, because it's no coincidence that there are so many incidents in a country with these laws. Every country has maniacs who have intentions of killing people, but they don't get the chance because they can't get hold of a gun that easily. So yes, it IS the gun law that makes this all happen.

    Like I said;
    Stricter laws = less guns
    less guns = less accidents
    less accidents = less deaths
    less deaths = the objective

    It's really not that hard...

  3. #13

    Join Date
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    gun control

    black person is armed- thug/ killer since people will be stereotype

    cops will try to dirty and try to use the law to throw u in jail

    imo i wouldn’t trust gun control cuz the fact it will give higher % of shoot out depending how retarded people gets

  4. #14
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    Originally Posted by Jeru View Post
    gun control

    black person is armed- thug/ killer since people will be stereotype

    cops will try to dirty and try to use the law to throw u in jail

    imo i wouldn’t trust gun control cuz the fact it will give higher % of shoot out depending how retarded people gets
    So you're saying that if they enforce gun laws people are gonna get so retarded to start shooting even more? Legit man.

  5. #15

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    Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
    So you're saying that if they enforce gun laws people are gonna get so retarded to start shooting even more? Legit man.
    it’s america it’s possible.

  6. #16
    EASTVAN's Avatar Junior Member

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    we gotta reach the kids and adults and make them not wanna commit crimes.
    I think guns in the home should be permitted.
    open carry is ridiculous only if people are blinded by egos.
    I envision a future where that changes.
    I think the ol' Wild West kinda thing is fun but those were duels, not slayings.
    I'm for duels and I'm for love, give a man his freedom.
    These crimes will stop. What we must do is start being the change we want seen.
    I would not be surprised if the government scripts these things or ****s with kids heads making them commit these acts.
    we gotta be the ones who be a positive force and a deciding factor of such moving forward.

    叶 部 让 拟 囡 过 烨 补 让 袮 囝 过 也 不 让 倪 难 国
    伙 的 保 护 神 真 格 潨 聚 合 和 合 力 合 合 理 威 容 故 亦 变 奕 闻 达 的 问 答
    圈 圏 变 変 合 圆 也.
    尔 过.
    翼 加 医 家 一 家 怡

  7. #17
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Where I'm torn is how late it had to be for the U.S to even be considering stripping its citizens of firearms. At this point I'm not sure a law would stop those who have already illegally obtained weapons.... it took 18 school shootings THIS YEAR here for there to be even the slightest idea of change. I'm really curious to see how this plays out for my generation. The only way I see for this to start being effective is through a process system like Eddie explained above.
    Last edited by Michi; 02-21-2018 at 02:46 AM.

  8. #18
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  9. #19
    Sunfire's Avatar [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲

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    Why do you bring Obama into this. I dont think Obama cried when he was bombing Syria for years killing innocent people. I dont think Obama cried when Black people were killing each other in higher more rates in his precidency. I dont think he was crying when he was hand in hand with ISIS providing them weapons in order to create the immigrant problem in Middle East making tons of families move out and eventually die in Aegean Sea.

    I think they should just enforce a better Gun law in order to make it harder for people to get guns. But I don't think this is gonna stop the problem America has, it will just slow down the process. If someone wants to harm someone else he will find the gun to do it even if its banned.

    The real problem for me in the last school shooting is that the FBI knew about this guy and did nothing to stop him. That's the real problem for me. You have everything you need to stop this and you do nothing?

  10. #20
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    I am slightly confused.. I have the right to bare arms for my country because at 18 I have the ability to give my life and my freedom for my country. If I am not mistaken you all should do more research on those "18" shootings... most were gun related incidents not actual shootings.. I think even one was a accidental discharge that went through a window which was classified into one of the 18. I don't discredit the fact that people in general are idiots but lets not forget the reason why america can make so many bad choices in the first place... we fought for it. If I am not mistaken we also assisted many other territories in keeping independence and continue to send men and woman to questionable area's whom are but 18 years old...

    Yet when they fight for their country and the freedoms of the constitution people think that's where the logic fails? Come on.. it is the society/mentality of people that causes poor choices not the constitution or gun laws. There are illegal drugs... yet an over whelming number of people are addicted to it because it enters the country or is manufactured illegally. Go figure, a law for illegal substance yet so very easy to get. Restricting guns would only take them away from those who could potentially benifit from it rather than the scum bags that would have them even after they were banished.

    Police can not be everywhere. There will always be crime, poverty, ignorance, jealousy, hatred, etc.. I would rather someone being assaulted, attacked, harmed, or murdered have the opportunity to defend themselves in my country that allow an evil person to harm an innocent one with not way to protect themselves. There are much deeper issues in the USA as in most countries that should be addressed more than a misinformed news reporter whom gives a vague number on the count of shootings as they put it.

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