Good job at posting SS without context.

Ever since you asked me why I'm not dying, did I respond or talk to you? Why would I talk to someone who I don't know? The only time I'm talking is when Starpower died because I was laughing at him when he would die after shooting me. I'm sure Starpower can give many replays of us playing in AnD where we have mutual respect not to target each other. In this game, you can see that he killed me. During some rounds, you can easily see him avoid me and some rounds where he kills me and he's just being a friendly jerk to me.

While you're busy egoing the whole room, I never had a moment of talking to you. You even kept asking "why dodging". Yes I was dodging because I didn't want to talk to you during the room. That proves my point in "I never had a conversation towards you." Congratulations, you are a better skilled player than me and I chose not to talk to you.