Originally Posted by Pickachuuuu View Post
trololololol we are rearching the sky with super microscopes checking million solar systems every week and we still didnt find a planet suitable for life to survive. and i alread explained ufo/aliens. they are glimpses of the other universe lol. and i dont think we have ever been into contact with real aliens lol. because it is almost mathematical impossible to travel fast enough to reach other solar systems in the universe its fiction. and even if its was possible why would aliens come here and leave again without doing anything? trolololol if you ask me
Hence I said there are many universe, and these microscopes cannot zoom onto a planet at full stretch.
Also there has been many aliens and UFO found, Aliens tend to like big spaces to land hence USA and Russia, but they all get covered up with dumb conspiracy theories. You should widen your knowledge of the world instead of using basic things you learn from the news and your friends.