Originally Posted by Backdoor Ben View Post
just stop already.
we'll wait for mcsic his opinion.

the last thing i have to mention is,
there are some ppl who got unbanned multiple times for doing worse things.
Kira? - abusing coin duplication bug.
Wayne - Overclock , quite Obvious, still walking around.
Wayne was using oc, maybe? no idea but if he was. Dave and McSic said POSTING hacks on fgunz forums is worse.

Originally Posted by Divine View Post
You clearly didn't read what that unban appeal said then I suppose.

Also, we're not GM's we are TGM's who are posting our opinions. Dave could easily go back and say "Declined".
Yeah well, I think you're doing a great job on being a TGM but if u approve the unban of a guy that used to post gunz hacks on a forum I think you're not XD