Originally Posted by Steƒƒ • View Post
Could I ask you why?
In my opinion it improved so much, even cw's are going better even tho I don't understand why.
The anti lead is fine in my opinion all hits are hits and pb's are pb's.
I vote ''No''.
i can agree that it did improve for some people, but not everyone. the reason i say this is because i have noticed a few people who couldn't do shit before are doing insane amounts of dmg in a single shot now. but for me it's a lot worse. i put yes. & trust me there's nothing wrong with my amount of hits i'm putting out, nor the way i'm aiming them (which parts of the body). i have good aim, & this new antilead feels pretty unresponsive to me to say the least. the old one wasn't that great either compared to other servers, but this one is a lot worse. again i'm only talking in my case, but i've also only seen a few in game who want to keep the new antilead. near everyone i have talked to or just seen bitching preferred the old one. regardless though i'm sure they have something in the works to combat this system the post did say it's been tested but there can still be problems. so if it still has problems they are most likely not finished with it.