Originally Posted by DDaggerDD View Post
Dude I only read the first few lines not because it looks to long but you're pretty much not looking too smart at all. False information in the start of your reply so I'm not going to read the rest of a reply that starts out foolishly and is a waste o time just from te first few lines. I say this because you. Are... Okay... I'm trying to contain myself, damn man... A regular clan war is longer than 4 minutes? Sude stop failing and misreading. In your first reply, i responded to you talking about how long 1 round would take (1 hour), just as you said, no one was talking about the time lengh of a whole clan war. And I can assume that you must have NEVER played clan war if you say 1 round would be 1 hour in a gladiator clan war when in a regular clan war its not 1 hour so why would glad clan wars have no time in rounds?
Dude stop. The rest of your reply was done with you believing that we were talking about a full length of a clanwar, and we werent. So I'm not reading the rest of that reply because its not really a reply to my previous one.

Also the amount of time you played clan war would not even be 15% of the time i have been playing gunz the duel. Saw the last line of your reply, you're probably cool, but I don't like people making comments like "will take so long" because I'm thinking like, huh, obviously rules would have to be made, but hes assuming I'm not thinking of suggesting rules and just plop down a shit new idea for a game.
Rofl. Then read my 1st post properly then. I said the entire clan war would take 1hr not each round. Glad clan war will become 1hr long if ppl keep drawing for the whole clan war rofl. Pls think. Furthermore, REGULAR CLAN WAR CANNOT BE USED TO ESTIMATE HOW LONG GLAD CLAN WAR WILL BE rofl. Regular clan wars u have both gun and sword u can use the gun u chase enemies while in glad clan war u can only use ur sword. Oh so you are saying rules have to be made, so what are those rules? LOL simply "rules have to be made" how convenient. If u wan glad clan war to happen then please think of these feasible rules and put them into ur suggestions as these rules are crucial to the successibility of the glad clan war.

Oh it seems like you have played gunz for a very long time. Come online thx, I want a 1v1, don dodge thx ^^.