Originally Posted by Shank View Post
Can we make it un-reportable if someone is lagging in a public room such as tdm (everything except cw)
The reason people report for forcelag in a cw is because you can't /kick a player, where as you can in a public room...
put your /kick command to work instead of going through all the trouble of reporting someone in a public room.

Would also save gm's a lot of time because we all know they are extremely busy..
Dude, I only play gladiator either on Arena or Stairway, do you know how annoying it is to fight laggers in glad? Specially on Stairway where everyone is flipping each other constantly. You have to time it so badly to get them killed. And kicking them have never solved anything because of -->

Originally Posted by Mardilz View Post
ESC Leave to lobby avoid kick rejoin room.

aaaand vote wasted.

Dude has a couple of friends who don't y on his obvious lag

aaaand vote wasted.

You vote him out? Alt character

aaaand vote wasted.

I'd agree with this if the kick system wasn't so shit.