Originally Posted by Fury View Post
Memories refreshed.


From what i recall you firstly posted on me from a public game room please J. Then we went onto 1v1 afterwards where I laid down the Kaji smack on you, its even acknowledged in that thread I did, you just tried to cover it up by saying it was a warm up, you never said it was a warm up or asked for one instead you asked for a '1v1' nikka how about I say that 1v1 was a warm up. Bringing all this hostility up because I banned you, we went through and past the ego stage to actually bein cool with one another, i became a GM and did my role as one by banning those who can't play fairly unfortunately you turned out to be one of them.
??? Thread you linked me is irrelevant. Nah dog you became a GM and turned yourself into a power hungry scum bag.