Originally Posted by ice View Post
Awbiosly VIP event will have a schedule but in insisting that event teamers show have their own hosting times or timings
Not quite sure I understand what you're saying but if you're asking if we have schedule or should have one;

No we dont have a schedule, we host whenever we feel like it. I hosted 3 events (LMS, RFLS, FTD) less than 2 hours ago and I picked the events one by one. I cant have a schedule on when to host, I have a life outside GunZ and I dont want any scenario to be like, "oh my friends just came over to my place, but I cant join them because I have a schedule that tells me to host in 20 minutes".

I also dont want to be forced to host something I "cant" host or something I'm just not particulary good at. Also some events requires more than one person to make it work. So I we would have to match our schedules? Idk. Anyways, terrible idea for regular events, and its already a thing for VIP events.