Originally Posted by Jaay View Post
Not really coming from this tbh. Nick had have his server run for so long if anything it was like the first private gunz server i played myself so clearly it was gonna die as other servers were peaking (that's when FG peaked 300's if I recall well lol)
And not removing anything to Dave/Sic,both are clearly two dedicated owners but as you can see thru Staff Team list rn they are lacking developers and IMO lackin new donors since all the 'new' ones were seen on v7.8 or wtv u wanna call it lo. Still looking forward to new donator full sets ma'am

and hanz you might be right but on the other side there's a server out here *cough* that is really Pay 2 Win and is peaking lots.

*cough* softness tho *cough*
gunzing with a pay2win mind set is why i dont enjoy the game. it's a pass time+way for me to edit. I just collect frags and use them thats all. But with them updating over and over it makes my frag collection all go to waste. So idk.... its a lose, lose situation. And i think I know what server you're referring to i just dont understand why you need to spend 100 dollars on a game that's been out since 06 just to be able to survive longer in clan war......