Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
Dragon's Dogma is probably one of the best games I've ever played, only annoying thing was that there was no fast travel so you had to go back the same routes every single time, which became very annoying. I'm very sad that it did not sell well and I'm also very upset that Capcom is making a Dragon's Dogma 2 that is a online rpg that seems to be a pay 2 win kind of game.

Dragon Age Origins is epic, played it over and over so many times. But I didnt like Dragon Age 2, it felt bad and boring and you were stuck in the same city for the whole game. I played Dragon Age Inquisition tho and that was pretty good but not even remotely as good as Dragon Age Origins.

Only reason I would buy PS4 is for the Final Fantasy 7 remake, and I'm definitely thinking about buying one because I NEED to play that remake!

And yes I've played Witcher 2 and 3. I bought witcher 1 but the combat system in that game was not very fun so haven't finished that game. But Witcher 2 and 3 was just amazing.

Omg man, Dragon's Dogma is da BOMB! I played it over 10x with over 300 hours. If I can only show you my saved progress, you'll see 5 Ascalons and 40+ dragon forged items haha. Everytime you defeat the arisen it gets stronger and stronger and stronger haha. Shit mang, didn't know u were into rpgs. I thought I was the only one here in the forums since no one ever talked about RPGS.

My opinion on dragon age is the same. I raped the fkk outta Dragon age Origins. Didn't like dragon age 2 because it felt dull and kinda repetitive. Never tried dragon age inquisition though, I don't believe I even heard of that game xD soz.

I replayed FF-VII on psp (original ps1 version), and I was surprised that I still knew how to get the ultimate weapons without using a walkthrough ahahaha. The part where you recruit vincent was just epic. That ending never gets old, wherein cloud omni-slashes the fkk outta safer-sephiroth's ass. I can't believe that this was the graphics that we considered "THE BEST RPG OF ALL TIME" rofl. ahaha, a classic game indeed.

I use my ps3 more often than my ps4 man. Prolly because I still go back to some RPGS that I've quite enjoyed.

I'm just starting with the witcher series lol, just spent 3 hours on it according to my save game. Most of it was just afk xD