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  1. #511
    justRelax's Avatar The name says it all.

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    Ghost Sniper
    Tags: S300 J0 NS NI V SNO
    Map: SkillmapV5
    Description: In this event your objective is to kill the host, who will have a normal amount of hp/ap, using snipers only. The host will use a ghost set, and additionally have admin vials activated which makes him move super fast on top of the S300 tag. The person to kill the host wins +1. Can be hosted with more than one host per round.
    Rules: no shotbot
    Additional hosting choices and optional changes: 1) Enable friendly fire, 2) Enable turbo mode (for 1 hit kills), 3) Allow host to jump by using J200 tag instead of J0, making it harder to kill him.
    Since I had a lot of free time today I went ahead and refined your event idea. In addition it is obvious that shotbot is disallowed & if you use it you will get banned.

    Ghost Sniper
    Suggested by Bunny

    Anyhow I am thinking of trying out this event since I have gone through the effort of reworking it. It sounds similar to Counter-Strike & Sniper Wars, however it is different from Counter-Strike since FPS is not enabled, and different from Sniper Wars when NS is enabled.

    Overall, would like to try it out and go from there, the optional changes will perhaps be worked on to make it optional or part of the main functionality of the event. Anyhow will have to hear what the other Event Team members have to say about this suggestion.
    Last edited by justRelax; 03-06-2022 at 12:26 AM. Reason: Bunny chose wrong Turbo Mode.


  2. #512
    Faky's Avatar Stop Being Fake

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    Originally Posted by justRelax View Post
    Since I had a lot of free time today I went ahead and refined your event idea. In addition it is obvious that shotbot is disallowed & if you use it you will get banned.

    Ghost Sniper
    Suggested by Bunny

    Anyhow I am thinking of trying out this event since I have gone through the effort of reworking it. It sounds similar to Counter-Strike & Sniper Wars, however it is different from Counter-Strike since FPS is not enabled, and different from Sniper Wars when NS is enabled.

    Overall, would like to try it out and go from there, the optional changes will perhaps be worked on to make it optional or part of the main functionality of the event. Anyhow will have to hear what the other Event Team members have to say about this suggestion.
    Find the Ghost am i joke to you? why this suggestion isn't similar to FTG?
    well, in FTG host will use ghost avatar + vials and in lost woods map, only diffferent in this idea is players allowed to use SNIPER instead of ALL WEAPONS and players movement speed (modifiying even jump -.-)
    btw bunny I like the rule of this event
    Last edited by Faky; 03-06-2022 at 01:47 AM.

    ~Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Signature

    "Dreams are short-time happiness"

    you can do 99 things for someone and all they'll remember is the one thing you didn't do

  3. #513
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by Faky View Post
    Find the Ghost am i joke to you? why this suggestion isn't similar to FTG?
    well, in FTG host will use ghost avatar + vials and in lost woods map, only diffferent in this idea is players allowed to use SNIPER instead of ALL WEAPONS.
    btw bunny I like the rule of this event my.
    its different to FTG because in FTG you have to find the ghost whereas in this event the ghost is seen but needs to be killed, the vials make him visible just harder to hit due to invisibility. he also has the inherit advantage of moving much faster than the players and having access to a sword.

  4. #514
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    This is a suggestion regarding the rule of max wins that I have commented on before several times in the past.


    While the spirit this rule was written with is fair and understandable, It cannot apply to all scenarios, which means that event moderators who go "by the book" with this rule tend to miss out on the community's desires.
    Such event moderators would prefer to have no winners in events where someone has won a fourth time and everyone else failed to win. Not only is this pointless as it contradicts the spirit in which the rule was written with, but it fails to remember that people who win 3 points or more are also part of the community and since the rule attempts to prevent people from leaving, which it does not, it even adds 1-2 more people to the list of those who leave after reaching the cap.
    If players are incapable of winning a round even when all other players who are able to and capped out are out of the game, how can you insist on re-rounding again and again until someone wins, until eventually giving up and giving no one the point?
    Regardless of the above argument(s), as i mentioned before, the rule does not serve the purpose for which it was added. It absolutely does not prevent players who see someone in the event winning the first 3 rounds in a row from being demotivated and leave. If you want to keep the rule despite this, go ahead, but there are other possibilities for adjustments to rules to allow other players to win while keeping it fair for everyone.
    Last edited by Bunny; 03-08-2022 at 05:00 PM.

  5. #515
    Amamin's Avatar Babyboi

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    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    While the spirit this rule was written with is fair and understandable, It cannot apply to all scenarios, which means that event moderators who go "by the book" with this rule tend to miss out on the community's desires.
    Such event moderators would prefer to have no winners in events where someone has won a fourth time and everyone else failed to win. Not only is this pointless as it contradicts the spirit in which the rule was written with, but it fails to remember that people who win 3 points or more are also part of the community and since the rule attempts to prevent people from leaving, which it does not, it even adds 1-2 more people to the list of those who leave after reaching the cap.
    If players are incapable of winning a round even when all other players who are able to and capped out are out of the game, how can you insist on re-rounding again and again until someone wins, until eventually giving up and giving no one the point?
    Regardless of the above argument(s), as i mentioned before, the rule does not serve the purpose for which it was added. It absolutely does not prevent players who see someone in the event winning the first 3 rounds in a row from being demotivated and leave. If you want to keep the rule despite this, go ahead, but there are other possibilities for adjustments to rules to allow other players to win while keeping it fair for everyone.
    I understand you're speaking generally and not singling out the event we just did, but I'm going to respond with what my thought process was during that said event on why I made it 4 winners instead of letting you have +4 because that's where most of what you're talking about seems to come from.

    We did Race as an event and you already had +3 on round 3, maxing out the number of points you could win. Yes I didn't give you the fourth point because you already maxed out, but also because you weren't even supposed to be playing in the first place. I let you play beyond your cap because it wasn't really detrimental to the rest if you were playing and it was no skin off my teeth to let you have your fun. When you asked me how many times I would re-round before I'll give you the fourth point, I know I said 100 times but it was just a joke answer to a rhetorical question. It would be ridiculous for me to re-round 100 times for any reason. I re-rounded only 1 round to see if someone else can get the last point, but when everyone else but you, who weren't supposed to be there, died, then I just ended it there. I wasn't even going to re-round twice.

    You say that the rule is out of touch with the community, but I literally, during that event, had someone tell me that when they see someone always winning and hoarding all the event points then there's no point in competing. We started with I think 7 players and ended up with just 4, and the other two weren't the original players we started with. That meant 5 players outright left in the middle of the event. If we let players have +15 every set and lock out every other newer player then people just won't play.

    "Git gud" is always an answer of course but nobody will get good if they won't play events since they never win anything anyway. Having fun isn't always just about winning, but there's nothing fun about always losing either. I understand that it feels like you're being punished for being really good at the game, but that's not the case. It's just that people who can't win points will think its futile to even participate, so they don't. Even you don't like it when you don't win points, which drove you to make this suggestion. I think +3 is a good balance of keeping events as fun to as many people as possible while still making them reasonably competitive.

    I think that pretty much sums up what I personally think about the 3-point max rule. Of course, I don't speak for the other ETs.

  6. #516
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by Amamin View Post
    You say that the rule is out of touch with the community, but I literally, during that event, had someone tell me that when they see someone always winning and hoarding all the event points then there's no point in competing. We started with I think 7 players and ended up with just 4, and the other two weren't the original players we started with. That meant 5 players outright left in the middle of the event. If we let players have +15 every set and lock out every other newer player then people just won't play.

    "Git gud" is always an answer of course but nobody will get good if they won't play events since they never win anything anyway. Having fun isn't always just about winning, but there's nothing fun about always losing either. I understand that it feels like you're being punished for being really good at the game, but that's not the case. It's just that people who can't win points will think its futile to even participate, so they don't. Even you don't like it when you don't win points, which drove you to make this suggestion. I think +3 is a good balance of keeping events as fun to as many people as possible while still making them reasonably competitive.

    I think that pretty much sums up what I personally think about the 3-point max rule. Of course, I don't speak for the other ETs.
    All of what you said in this part is agreeing with me, but its avoiding the main problem - you consider the 3 point limit to be good, but at the same time, you have a guy whisper you that they see someone always winning, thus theres no point in competing, despite the 3 point cap. Additionally, 5 players outright left in the middle, despite the 3 point cap. This just very simply proves what i said, that the rule doesnt do what it was set out to do. Those 5 players could have probably finished the map in the remaining 2 rounds, but they left before they had a chance to. I'm not here to tell you to let people win +15 in one set, but you need to consider other options if you genuinely dont want players to feel like they have no chance to win if you dont want to tell them "Git gud".
    Last edited by Bunny; 03-08-2022 at 06:39 PM.

  7. #517
    Amamin's Avatar Babyboi

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    I was trying to illustrate how the 3pt cap is already bad enough, having it increase to 5 would be detrimental. The 3 point cap did what it was supposed to do, which was to let other players have a shot. The other player who won wouldn't have finished the fourth round, and would not have been given the chance to practice the Race map, if I ended rounds as fast as you could complete the maps. He died but he gave it a shot, which is the first step to getting good.

    But yeah you are right that something needs to be done to increase event participation. I just don't think it's the 3pt cap that's the problem. I know you're aware of the updates incoming which I personally think would give fgunz, and consequently fgunz events, a healthier amount of population again.

  8. #518
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Latchcomb (Reference)
    Description: The event has 3 possible hosting methods.
    1. The event takes place in Arena. The goal of the event is to get a kill, thus ending the round (Relaymap, Objective kills 1, 5 rounds). The host will use a /bomb [time] command to start a bomb, and pass it to any nearby player. The host may then either go into a wall, go into hide mode or play the event themselves.
    After someone with the bomb explodes, the last person to hit them gets the kill, and wins the round. The duration of the bomb before explosion depends on the amount of players, according to the simple formula: bomb time=max(60/#ofplayers, 5)
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. Teaming is allowed.
    Prize: The player who gets the kill receives 1 event point.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    2. The event takes place in Arena. The goal of the event is to not be the one to die from a bomb. The host will use a /bomb [time] command to start a bomb, and pass it to any nearby player. The host may then either go into a wall, go into hide mode or play the event themselves.
    After someone with the bomb explodes, the last person to hit them gets the kill, ending the round. The person who died to the bomb, gets kicked. The duration of the bomb before explosion depends on the amount of players, according to the simple formula: bomb time=max(60/#ofplayers, 5)
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. No teaming.
    Prize: The last 3 players to remain in the room win, where in the round with only 3 players remaining, the host will start a bomb, and the player to get a kill from the bomb explosion wins +3, the player to die to the bomb gets +1 and the third player gets +2.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    3. The event takes place in Attack-Defense, in red base's room. The host will freeze all of the players outside of the room, summon 4 players at random in and start a bomb game of 10 seconds. After someone eventually dies to the bomb, they get kicked and the 3 other players are re-frozen. The process repeats until 4 players remain. Players who leave the area without being told to do so are slapped and kicked.
    Rules: No spiking / lagging / force-lagging. No speedy daggers. No teaming.
    Prize: The last 4 players to remain will be summoned into the room, and the player to get a kill wins +2. All 4 players remain in the room, and the round repeats twice, for a total of 3 times. Thus, 6 points in total will be rewarded for the event. Players may win all 6 points, if they win all 3 rounds.
    Game Mods: J200, GOD

    Some notes:
    • Players are allowed to use any items, guns and melee (except speedy) they wish and flip/lunge/massive other players. However, only slashes transfer the bomb.
    • The eventual hosting method can be determined by the event team or split into several different events if more than one of the ideas is accepted.
    • Bomb duration in the first 2 hosting methods ranges from 5 seconds (minimum) to 12 seconds (do not host this event with less than 5 players).
    • The gamemode in the 2nd hosting method will be a relaymap with number of repeated Arenas to equal the number of players in the event, such that the round ends after each kill with Objective kills set to 1.
    • In hosting method 3, players may play more rounds than others due to the randomization in selection. This is fine, and numbers can be generated live in the event according to the list of players in tab.
    • The host may also participate in the event if they wish.

    Last edited by Bunny; 03-10-2022 at 02:31 AM.

  9. #519
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Any gladiator event that currently includes teams with friendly fire on simply doesnt work. The friendly fire should either be changed to allow recoil or be avoided completely. Additionally, it would help transparency if friendly fire was not used at all until hit registration sounds are added to other event types like survivor SNO.
    As an optional change, the host can use training mode, freeze all of the players in the beginning of the round, go into a nearby wall and then spawn everyone. He will then freeze+summon anyone with a death. This goes on until theres only 1 person with no deaths, who will be the winner. The host can then slap everyone to proceed to the next map.

  10. #520
    englis0908's Avatar ^DSilent^WRaven_

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    Game Mode : Team training

    Goal : last man to land wins

    Map : Mine

    Rules : Cant land on the poles , No speedy dagger , No guns and items , no massive , No switching teams , forcelagging / spiking or something else that gives you a advantage.

    Reward : 3 ep for the last to land , 2 ep for the 2nd to last to land

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